Harshil Agrawal's cartoonised headshot

Privacy Month 

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash In the month of January Mozilla India started a month long campaign to spread awareness about privacy, and shared various tips to stay safe online.

This is a curated list of all the tweets by Mozilla India for the campaign.

Tip 1: While registering for a website use email like [email protected] it will send emails to your inbox [email protected] but will tell you which website shared your data.

Tip 2: Wondering whether your personal data is for sale on the web? Firefox Monitor helps you check your email addresses and usernames against lists from 120 known breaches https://monitor.firefox.com/

Tip 3: If it is a screen it needs a password or a pin

Tip 4: Stronger Passwords = Better Protection Stats say: 73% of users have the same password for multiple sites, 33% use the same password every time. https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Password-You-Can-Remember

Tip 5: Stop creating passwords that Make Sense. One way to make a great password is to string together unrelated words. It’s called a Passphrase. Here’s how to make one: https://link.medium.com/cQGHpiW6cT

Tip 6: Add 2 Factor Authentication to all your accounts. 2FA significantly increases security by asking for an additional authentication factor, thus making it much harder to hack an account. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/09/guide-common-types-two-factor-authentication-web …

Tip 7: We all have a lot of passwords, and it’s tough to remember long strings of random characters. Try a password manager. Its secure & hassle free. A few better ones out there: @bitwarden_app or https://lesspass.com

Tip 8: We can’t stress this enough. Webcams have presented a security liability for years, yet many of us don’t cover them up. PLEASE COVER YOUR WEBCAM ! https://youtu.be/XEZJYgScppc

Tip 9: Is your TV sharing your personal data? Smart TVs can collect a remarkable amount of information about their users — let’s turn it off Here’s how: https://www.consumerreports.org/privacy/how-to-turn-off-smart-tv-snooping-features/ …

Tip 10: When you’re on public WiFi, File sharing is risky. Turn it off under the Sharing settings on your computer. Also turn off Network Discovery to make it more difficult for other devices on the n/w to find your laptop. https://www.techlicious.com/tip/how-to-protect-your-privacy-on-public-wifi-networks/ …

Tip 11: Many apps on your phone can extract your whereabouts using your location. Go ahead turn off the Location services from settings on your phone when not in use. For reference: https://lifehacker.com/psa-your-phone-logs-everywhere-you-go-heres-how-to-t-1486085759 …

Tip 12: Use the “front page” rule on social networks. Don’t post anything online that you never want to see on the front page of the newspaper. more: https://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-Oversharing-on-Social-Media …

Tip 13: When you visit a website you are being tracked and your personal data is being collected. Using @firefox gives you the option to Switch ON Tracking Protection to guard your data: https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/tracking-protection-always-on/ …

Tip 14: Mozilla’s Firefox helps you take control of your privacy. Here is a list of addons to help you manage your #privacy settings on @firefox Browser https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/mozilla/privacy-matters/ …

Tip 15: “When you mail a letter, you seal the envelope. It’s the same idea with your data and encryption.” Encryption scrambles your data so that it’s unreadable by anyone who should not read it. more: https://www.wired.com/story/encrypt-all-of-the-things/ …

Tip 16: Only use HTTPS-enabled sites to ensure your data is being transmitted over an encrypted connection. Here is an addon for your browser that helps you visit secure sites using https: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere …

Tip 17: Many ads & trackers on your favorite websites send information about your online activity to their data-collecting masters. Use uBlock Origin to block these trackers. More: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#installation …

Tip 18: Clear Cookies Periodically or use Private Browsing on #Firefox. And keep your data/computer safe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xn1rO1oQmk …

Tip 19: Use Linux! Being a Free/Open Source solution for your computer OS, you have complete control over it. It encrypts your hard drive, has easy to configure Firewalls and some esoteric protection mechanisms.

Tip 20: Surprised to find an email from a bank or social site asking you to log on? Don’t click; open a new browser window and type in the address of the company website instead.

Tip 21: Got a call, email, sms asking for your credentials or pins. STOP! DON’T REPLY Call the customer care instead and report it.

Tip 22: Most of us use google products extensively. Take control of what is shared: Go to https://myaccount.google.com/intro to control what data about you is being collected and how it’s being shared.

Tip 23: Using a Fitness tracker or a running watches. It can broadcast your sensitive information. Prevent this — Keep your wireless settings and Bluetooth turned OFF.

Tip 24: Make Sure All Your Social Media Accounts are Private. This is fundamental to limiting the amount of sensitive data that is available online about you. Read how to secure Social Media accounts: https://securethoughts.com/how-to-stay-safe-on-social-media/ …

Tip 25: Firefox Focus — a free, fast and easy to use private browser for your mobile with no tabs, no menus, no pop-ups. Big plus, it Automatically Blocks Trackers! https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/mobile/ …

Tip 26: Looking for a search Engine that respects your privacy, does not track you? Here is @DuckDuckGo for you: https://duckduckgo.com/

Tip 27: We all desire privacy while browsing the web. We do not want to be tracked and want our data to be encrypted when transferred. Well these are enough good reasons to use Tor @torproject. https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html …

Tip 28: #DataPrivacyDay aims to raise awareness of the importance of privacy & data protection and to unite privacy professionals worldwide.

Tip 29: We don’t always treat our Online Life like real life. IRL Podcast explores this disconnect with stories from the Web, and talks about online issues that affect us all. More: https://irlpodcast.org

Tip 30: Review the permissions you give to mobile apps. Here’s how to do that on Android: https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/android-permissions-guide/14014 … and on iOS: https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/ios-tracking-setup-part-1/12625 …

Tip 31: Educate yourself, family & friends about online privacy Help make internet browsing safer! — This is the best way to guard your privacy. Follow #PrivacyMonth for tips-tricks about privacy.

I hope this curated list helps you stay safe online! A huge thanks to Mozilla India for this initiative. Follow @MozillaIn for more amazing content.

Last Updated: Sat Dec 19 2020