Harshil Agrawal's cartoonised headshot

WritingsΒ πŸ“

Implementing localization to your Svelte App: A step-by-step guide

Learn to globalize your web applications with our guide on integrating the Tolgee i18n tool into your Svelte app. Enhance accessibility and user experience across diverse languages with simple, step-by-step instructions. Start localizing with Tolgee today and expand your reach!

πŸ—“ Mon Jun 03 2024


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Wake me up, papa!

πŸ—“ Thu May 09 2024

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Understand and Implement Merkle Proof

Merkle proof is used to validate data. It is used in distributed systems and peer-to-peer networks, like blockchain. Learn about Merkle Tree and Merkle Proof, and implement Merkle Proof in JavaScript.

πŸ—“ Thu Dec 21 2023

#merkle proof#merkle tree

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Layoffs got me too - And how I am dealing with it

Layoffs are not easy. From someone who got laid off recently, here's my experience.

πŸ—“ Mon Nov 27 2023

#Career Update

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How To Build Your Blog on DigitalOcean with Ghost and Next.js

Learn to build your blog with Ghost and Next.js

πŸ—“ Thu Jan 26 2023

#Next.js#Ghost#Personal Blog

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2022 - An year of learning, growing, and making new friends

2022 was the year of change. It taught me a lot of things. I experienced failure and success, learned about myself, learned about humans, made new friends, and changed jobs. This article is a review of my 2022.

πŸ—“ Sun Jan 08 2023

#Year in Review

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Building a custom Contentful app for the Last.fm API

Through the magic of APIs, we'll show you how to create a Contentful app that pulls in music and album covers from Last.fm to brighten up your content.

πŸ—“ Wed Dec 21 2022

#Contentful#App Framework#Last.fm

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Decorate your home

Learn to customise the home screen of your Contentful space

πŸ—“ Tue Dec 13 2022

#Contentful#App Framework#Customization

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Automating lights for Apple HomeKit with Homebrige.io

Learn to control your Tuya powered smart bulbs with Apple HomeKit using Homebridge.io

πŸ—“ Tue Oct 18 2022

#Apple#Home Automation#HomeKit#Homebridge.io

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Airtable automation: How I streamlined submissions to the Developer Showcase

Explaining how I automated the submission process for the Contentful Developer Showcase using Airtable and other tools – and got myself some time back!

πŸ—“ Thu Oct 13 2022


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What is TypeScript and why should you use it?

In this article, we'll give you an overview of TypeScript, share some of its features and advantages over JavaScript, and show you how to get started.

πŸ—“ Thu Aug 18 2022

#TypeScript#Getting Started

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Harshil Agrawal joins the Contentful Developer Relations team

Meet Harshil Agrawal, newest member of the Developer Relations team at Contentful. He talks about his career path and passion for building communities.

πŸ—“ Thu May 26 2022

#Announcement#Career Update

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Getting started with Twitter Webhook and Subscription

Twitter allows you to get updates for your account via the Account Activity API. Learn about the Account Activity API and create an automation workflow for your Twitter account.

πŸ—“ Sun Feb 06 2022

#Automation#Twitter#Webhook#Tutorial#Account Activity API

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An overview on how I built GitHub Wrap

Learn how I created GitHub Wrap, a weekend project that everyone is talking about.

πŸ—“ Sun Dec 05 2021

#GitHub#Open Source#GitHub Wrap

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How to set up a no-code CI/CD pipeline with GitHub and TravisCI 🎑

Learn how Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Development work, and how you can set up a CI/CD pipeline.

πŸ—“ Fri Jul 09 2021


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What are APIs and how to use them with no code πŸͺ’

Learn about the different types of APIs and how n8n uses them to communicate with different services via their dedicated nodes.

πŸ—“ Wed May 19 2021


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Automate Tweets for your Twitch Live Stream using n8n

Learn to create a Twitch app and connect it with n8n to automate your announcement tweets

πŸ—“ Mon Apr 19 2021

#Automation#Twitch#n8n#Tutorial#Live Stream

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Creating triggers for n8n workflows using polling ⏲

Learn to use polling to monitor changes and execute workflows for services that do not support webhooks and don’t have Trigger nodes in n8n.

πŸ—“ Tue Jan 12 2021

#Tutorial#Automation#Polling#Google Sheets#Mattermost

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My 2021 goals

New year, new goals! Looking at last year, I've curated a list of goals that I wish to achieve this fullfill this year.

πŸ—“ Sat Jan 09 2021


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Migrating Community Metrics to Orbit using n8n πŸ“ˆ

If you manage DevRel metrics in Google Sheets (or Airtable), follow along the article to learn how you can move these metrics to Orbit.

πŸ—“ Fri Dec 18 2020


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Building an expense tracking app in 10 minutes πŸ“±

If you’re struggling with managing expenses like me, and if you want to build your custom app, follow along with this article.

πŸ—“ Fri Dec 11 2020


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Sending SMS the Low-Code Way with Airtable, Twilio Programmable SMS, and n8n πŸ“±

Learn to build a workflow to get customer information from Airtable and send SMS messages to them without writing a single line of code.

πŸ—“ Mon Oct 12 2020


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Learn to Automate Your Factory's Incident Reporting: A Step by Step Guide 🏭

In this tutorial, we will learn to build an automated incident reporting workflow for factories with n8n.

πŸ—“ Tue Sep 01 2020

#Tutorial#IoT#Sensors#Automation#Industry 4.0

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How to automatically give kudos to contributors with GitHub, Slack, and n8n πŸ‘

Learn to create a workflow with n8n, which gives contributors' GitHub information in Slack to celebrate their valuable contributions.

πŸ—“ Fri Aug 14 2020


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Women of React 2020 - Throwback

Women of React 2020 was a conference like no other. The conference had talks for everyone, be it a beginner or someone experienced. Let me give you the highlights of all the fun and learning I had, attending this virtual conference.

πŸ—“ Fri May 01 2020


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React Summit Remote Edition: My Experience

On April 17, 2020, the React Summit conference hosted a Remote Edition of the React Summit with two tracks, a React track and an Alt track, with 10+ sessions, 5 discussion rooms, and a lot of fun!

πŸ—“ Mon Apr 20 2020


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Using Auth0 Hooks to store user information

Learn about the Auth0 Hooks and how you can use one of the hooks to store information of the user in Firebase.

πŸ—“ Sat Feb 29 2020


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My GitHub Campus Expert Journey and how you can become one 🚩

I've been asked a lot about my GitHub Campus Expert journey and how to become one. In this article, I write about my experience and share some tips for your GitHub Campus Expert application.

πŸ—“ Fri Nov 01 2019


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Web Accessibility at DevFest Ranchi

I got an opportunity to advocate for Web Accessibilty at DevFest Ranchi 2019. It was a wonderful experience talking to developers and inspiring them to build accessible apps.

πŸ—“ Tue Sep 24 2019


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The Flutter Bootcamp Story

This is the story of how two Student Community Leaders came together to successfully organize the very first Flutter Bootcamp, in Vadodara.

πŸ—“ Fri Aug 16 2019


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Mozilla Policy Engagement & Privacy in India

The Ministry of Electronics and IT (MEITY) has announced that it has finalized the data protection bill. While it’s a step forward in many ways, the bill urgently needs edits to effectively uphold our privacy and needs to be sent to a standing committee for further review. I organized a campaign for the same at my College Campus

πŸ—“ Thu Jul 18 2019


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Using React Navigation with Functional Components

React Navigation is a popular library used with React Native for navigation. It helps us to build navigational apps. Here is a quick guide for implementing React Navigation with Functional Components.

πŸ—“ Wed Jun 19 2019

#React Native#Tutorial#Navigation

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Privacy Month

In the month of January, Mozilla India started a month-long campaign to spread awareness about privacy and shared various tips to stay safe online. In this article, get some tips to stay safe online.

πŸ—“ Sun Apr 21 2019


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Booth Crawl at MakerFest Vadodaraβ€Šβ€”β€Š2019

As a GitHub Campus Expert, I got the opportunity to talk about open-source at MakerFest Vadodara 2019.

πŸ—“ Sun Apr 21 2019

#Booth Crawl#GitHub

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FOSSASIA Summit 2019β€Šβ€”β€ŠMy First International Talk

I gave my first international conference talk at FOSSASIA Summit 2019. Read about my experience.

πŸ—“ Thu Mar 28 2019


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